How can I contact you for questions and more information on the font?
Please email us - diversitytype@wearedistillery.co and we'll get back to you with answers to any questions you may have.
Who can participate?
We're currently not accepting anymore submissions, but please sign up to our newsletter or get in touch if you would like to be involved in some way
Why have you only chosen capital letters in the first release?
With an initiative of this scale we really felt that we had to start somewhere! We don’t intend to stop with capital letters and are keen to keep going. Whilst we would have loved to have created a typeface that incorporates all languages, symbols and local nuances, we have started small and hope that this will be an evolving project. We aren’t on a campaign here with a deadline. This is an endeavour that we want to continue well past World Diversity Day on 21st May. This is only the beginning.
How is creating a typeface helping diversity?
Normally, when designing a new typeface, it is usual for one designer to work tirelessly on unified characters that follow similar rules and guides. However, we at distillery, decided we would like to celebrate diversity by commissioning a typeface that is just as diverse as its staff. We wanted this typeface to build awareness by unifying communities and cultures, and celebrate the differences in people's lived experiences. All in one place. By asking people to donate in order to use the font, we are helping to support organisations who champion more marginalised communities, cultures and groups.
As a designer, do I still own my design after it has been submitted?
We are no longer receiving entries, but the short answer is 100% yes! By submitting their designs our contributors gave us permission to use their design within the font and thus everyone who uses the font, the right to feature it in however way they wanted. We licensed the work from our contributors but they retained complete ownership and are credited with the design, as they should be.
How did you select the letters?
We worked with individuals and organisations from all walks of life to help us select the best letters for inclusion in the first usable typeface. Entries were selected based on design and inspiration, whilst making sure that we have a diverse group of contributors featured as well.
How many people have been involved in the typeface design process?
Loads of people! The distillery team have all touched the project in some way (thats 20 of us) plus our brilliant friends and partners at People of Print, Femme Type, and The Diversity Standards Collective. Then there are all of those who have entered designs (308) , not to mention everyone who helps spread the word and raise awareness for the project!
I have an idea, how do I share it with you?
You can send your ideas to your distillery contact or to DiversityType@wearedistillery.co
How much does it cost to download the font?
As we are raising money for charity, we ask for a donation to one of our selected charities (at the price point you choose) as part of the download process.
What’s in it for distillery?
We’re a small content studio, but our team is full of big ideas. One of them is this: our differences are what makes us strong. This project is our way to share this feeling with the world. To learn more about us, visit us at wearedistillery.co See you there!
How can I stay up to date on your progress?
Sign up to our newsletter here
What will you do with my information?
We will never sell or share your data. Our full privacy policy can be viewed here
Why have you chosen the charities that you have?
We wanted to choose 3 different charities with broad reach, who are all making an impact globally.
DEC - Disasters Emergency Committee - We chose this charity because they are global in their reach and represent 14 charities in 1. Through this umbrella group, these charities coordinate and launch collective appeals to raise funds to provide emergency aid and rapid relief to people caught up in disasters and humanitarian crises around the world. The DEC works in the most difficult places across the globe, dealing with the most acute issues. The DEC are also multifaceted - from Islamic Relief to Christian Aid to Age UK to Save The Children.
The Diversity Trust - The Diversity Trust promotes equality and inclusion through the elimination of discrimination, harassment and victimisation on the grounds of: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation*; and; promotes social engagement with equalities communities, groups and individuals. In particular, but not limited to: Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic and Refugee (BAMER); Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Questioning (LGBTQ+); Disabled and Learning Disabled; Older and Younger people.
UN Women - UN Women is the global champion for gender equality, working to develop and uphold standards and create an environment in which every woman and girl can exercise her human rights and live up to her full potential. We are trusted partners for advocates and decision-makers from all walks of life, and a leader in the effort to achieve gender equality.